To spread awareness and advocacy or optimum utilization of resources and use of information technology by various stake holders’ contribution to the development agenda and governance issues, Societal Skill Education, Well Being of People, Communities, and partner with agencies with similar vision

·Advocacy of Good Governance through Books, Articles, Research Papers for optimum resource utilization
· Advocacy of Skill Development for Quality Improvement in life through crowd sourced resources on open platforms MOOC and online resources using Information Technology
·Quality of Life Enhancement through Menu 365, Health 365 Concepts on You Tube and social media
·Projects with Partners on Resource Utilization, Wellness, Community Development, Human Resource Development
To spread awareness and advocacy or optimum utilization of resources and use
of information technology by various stake holders’ contribution to the
development agenda and governance issues.
To engage experts to prepare awareness modules in terms of books, u-tube
films for advocacy
To open, found, establish, promote, set up, run, maintain, assist, finance,
support and/or aid and help in the setting up the multi-media approach.
To establish and manage various kinds of Educational, Vocational, Industrial,
Agricultural, Research and also to arrange/provide all kinds of educational
To conduct research in advocacy and other discipline with different subjects
relating to education.
foundationforresourceconvergence© 2021 – 2022